Saturday 23 April 2022

4 Important Pillars of Learning to Read

The significance of learning is that it enables an individual to acquire the essential skills and information through learning and knowledge to attain his or her objectives. One of the most significant aspects of learning is that it allows you to expand your knowledge and develop abilities that will assist you in achieving your objectives. There are certain pillars of learning which possess different functions. The pillars have specific goals: to lead people on a path of self-knowledge throughout their education; to consolidate team spirit, creativity, and respect for differences; and to awaken from an early age the awareness that an education based on the four pillars of knowledge will form the future leaders.

pillars of learning, learning, learning pillars, pillars of learning by unesco, pillars of learning by cognitive science

The 4 pillars of learning are given by Unesco:

  • Learning to Know:

This pillar is concerned with our understanding of the world we live in and ourselves, to lead a life worth living, and with the need to develop capacities that are suited to the current reality, with an emphasis on logical thinking with autonomy. Knowledge evolves at a quick pace and in a variety of directions, making total knowledge nearly impossible. This pillar of learning to know suggests that you seek out a broad general culture and concentrate on specific topics of interest, strengthening the details to make them wonderful. Learning to know is a necessary aspect of human development throughout its lifespan, and effective learning is defined as the ability to generate in people the motivation and foundations for their activities.

Visit: activities to engage toddlers

  • Learning to Do:

Personal competency allows intelligent knowledge to be put into practice, and this is rewarded. It is not enough to do; it is also required to be creative and imaginative, to study and organize the intelligence of the machines so that they become smarter, facilitating labor and increasing productivity. As a result, education requirements that go beyond normal employment include technical and professional training, adaptation to collective teamwork, creativity, initiative, boldness, and a willingness to take risks. In this Age of Knowledge, the growth of services is not due to dependency, nor is it due to individualism. There is a requirement for group work, as well as social and interpersonal relationships. The reality we live in is becoming increasingly accessible to the formation of social professionals, who are linked to scientific culture and have access to cutting-edge technology, as well as the capacity for creativity and local context creation.

  • Learning to Live Together:

This is the path of fundamental learning: living and working with others, making proposals, engaging in plans and initiatives, and celebrating accomplishments, both at home and work. The same principles apply to education. As a result, it's critical to learn to live with others while respecting their dignity, uniqueness, and individual abilities, as well as avoiding "Bullying" in social situations. Working on initiatives of shared interest necessitates a shift in one's perspective of oneself, others, and reality. The best personality development mentor suggests working together in groups as the mechanism of education for developing people is learning to live together.

  • Learning to Be:

Learning to contribute to an individual's holistic development in all areas of knowledge, including intelligence, critical thinking abilities, logical reasoning standards, cultural arguments, and scientific information. Finally, lifelong learning is focused on interaction with others and one's efforts, rather than on pedagogical lessons in the classroom. We know that children learn a great deal from their peers in whatever context they are in, as well as from what they see and hear in the world which helps them in boosting their personality education. Learning to be, in the literal sense of the word 'being' as a person, must be respected in today's world by training the individual throughout life to develop learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, and learning to be. Learning should be a part of everyone's life, and no one should be overlooked for their potential.


Visit: how to support child with learning difficulties

4 Pillars of learning given by cognitive science are:

  • Attention:

One only learns by paying attention, a good professional's job is to gather one's attention by either repetition of information or engaging in fun acts. As attention is selective it's important to draw students' attention.

  • Active engagement:

Passively listening to the teacher is not adequate for remembering new information. To completely comprehend what one is learning, it is preferable to pose questions to oneself, hypothesize on possible hypotheses, or do experiments.

Visit: why learning and development

  • Feedback:

Feedback is crucial because it enables the learner to move past the error and correct it if they feel confident and encouraged rather than judged and derided.

  • Consolidation:

Memorizing new information or learning new abilities is only the first step: knowledge must be consolidated for it to be long-lasting and used automatically, almost unconsciously. Whether learning to count, read fluently, or drive a car, the brain must repeat the learning mechanisms many times until they are completely learned.

Visit: benefits of socialization for students

These pillars of learning provided by both science and cognitive science help an individual to achieve knowledge about education as well as life.