Thursday 10 December 2020

Importance of Honesty in our Daily Life

 importance of honesty, meaning and importance of honesty, importance of honesty in our daily life, importance of honesty in life, why honesty

Honesty can be described as how truthful we are, with what we speak and do. Children are taught the most common quote, “Honesty is the best policy” and is expected to be truthful and show honest behavior in every part of their lives. The importance of honesty can’t be determined with only one spoken truth, but it is recognized after we incorporate honesty in our lifestyle. The regular practice of honesty gives us positive recognition in others' minds. Leaving a powerful image is possible only if we show our honest behavior in every part of our life. 

In our daily life, we meet many people, we indulge ourselves in many activities, we invest in ourselves, but what can make a huge difference is being truthful and honest with ourselves and others too.

The importance of honesty can be understood by the following:

No fear of being caught: 

No fear of being caught

Hiding the truth by speaking false statements makes us dishonest, and every lie has its future. For hiding one lie we have to speak another lie but when we speak the truth, we have nothing to hide and there are no worries. There is no anxiety about dealing with the consequences. Honest living makes us feel grateful about life, there is no fear left of another lie or hiding the truth. Honesty makes life simpler.

Visit: why is honesty important

Be honest for healthy living: 

Be honest for healthy living

With dishonest living, there are worries of being caught, a constant fear of the truth being revealed, or getting busted leads to depression and anxiety. This misery in mind can lead to various mental and physical symptoms of bad health. But with honest living, there are no worries for hiding, no anxiety of saying another lie but there is happiness. The feeling of being satisfied in life with what you speak and do in society. Honest living contributes to a better personality. You become aware of your deeds. All this peace and happiness contribute to good health and a better lifestyle.

Visit: how to build resilience 

Lie can’t be hidden for long:

Lie can’t be hidden for long, importance of honesty

For covering one lie, you speak another two and it repeats until it’s a heap. All of this is deception and there is no way one can run from a web of lies. It has been noticed that a lie can’t be covered up for long. It gets revealed sooner. Constantly deceiving ourselves by practicing falsehood leads us nowhere. One knows that we can’t hide a lie for long, and hence they must become truthful by being honest, as there is peace in honesty.

Peace of mind:

peace of mind

“As I have said, the first thing is, to be honest with yourself. You can never have an impact on society if you have not changed yourself. Great peacemakers are all people of integrity, of honesty, but humility.” 

This famous quote by Nelson Mandela, known for his deeds to bring peace and goodness to this world can help us understand the importance of honesty in terms of peace that comes with it. Honesty indeed brings healthy living, there is a feeling of being less worried about the future and consequences of our deeds. One who practices honesty has no fear and is satisfied with the lifestyle which brings peace and calmness to the mind.

Honesty brings respect: 

honesty brings respect, importance of honesty

When you are a dishonest person, there is no way one can have functional relationships. Bonds and relations are established on the basis of one's honesty and trustworthiness. The foundations are to be strengthened with trust and truth. Moreover, your relations in society at the professional level are dependent on the most important personality development skill, i.e., honesty. Living a truthful life and being a man of integrity brings us respect from others. Respect is the reward that we receive by showing our true behavior, revealing ourselves in order for others to trust us.

Visit: self esteem for success

Honesty brings positivity: 

honesty brings positivity

You reflect happiness and compassion for others when you are living an honest life. Your truthful behavior for others, makes them feel positive. People love those who show integrity and honesty. These traits make a man, optimistic.

Visit: how to make positive change in life

Honesty is considered one of the most important interpersonal skills for bringing out the best in oneself. It is not easy to become honest and loyal in one day, but external help can make a great difference. Reading about great leaders, taking guidance from your role models, or enrolling in a personality development course are different ways to initiate an honest living and become better. The importance of honesty is recognized with the success which one receives with walking the path of truth. Honesty in the professional world and personal life makes you a man of pleasant company. One becomes more trustworthy and is known for his integrity by earning an honest living.


  1. Honesty gives us self confidence, there's nothing to worry if you are telling the truth.
